SS Ceramic Candle

Schema Raccordi speciali


Spare part for PURO 10" and CRYSTAL filters.

99.99% pure bacteriological water.

SSis a ceramic candle with granular charcoal. The ceramic candle performs microfiltration through the porous ceramic structure. Ceramic also contains special silver compounds that make the self-sterilizing cartridge. The active charcoal inside the cartridge improves the taste of water by removing harmful chemical compounds such as chlorine, atrazine, phenols, lindane.Features:

Bacteria remowal down to 0,9 µm including:

E. Coli99,99%
Vibro colera    99,99%
Shigella  99,99%
Salmonella typhi   99,99%
Klebsiella terigina 99,99%

  • Absolute filtration rating at 99,99% efficiency: 0,9 µm
  • Nominal filtration at 90,00%: 0,5 µm
  • Working temperature range:  5 - 38 °C
  • Working pH range: 5,5 - 9,5
  • Recommended flow rate for optimum efficiency lt/min: 0.5